Purtroppo la community di rFactor (e non solo) deve fare i conti con una cattiva notizia: gli F1-S-R, da anni punto indiscusso di riferimento in fatto di modding (F1-91, F1-92, F193 ed F1-94 tanto per citare i loro più grandi capolavori) chiudono la propria attività di modding-team.
L'annuncio proviene direttamente dal mastermind Acestumacher, che posta sul Forum Ufficiale la seguente:
"As of today F1SR modding is no more, I personally would like to thank all of those that took part over the years, starting from our 99 F1 beta right through to the 92 F1 season, it was great testing over the years, learning new stuff, making new friends, it really has been a blast!!!!!!!!!!!!
All mods and models are still owned by the F1SR name and Ale Sanchez."
La fine di un era. Non resta che rinnovare il ringraziamento per gli anni di divertimento regalatici.
Unfortunately, the rFactor community (and beyond) has to deal with bad news: the F1-S-R, for years the undisputed point of reference in terms of modding (F1-91, F1-92 and F1-94 F193 so much for cite their greatest masterpieces) closed its business of modding-team.
The announcement comes directly from the mastermind Acestumacher, which placed on the Official Forum as follows:
"As of today F1SR modding is no more, I personally would like to thank all of those that took part over the years, starting from our 99 F1 beta right through to the 92 F1 season, it was great testing over the years, learning new stuff, making new friends, it really has been a blast!!!!!!!!!!!!
All mods and models are still owned by the F1SR name and Ale Sanchez."
The end of an era. All that remains is to renew the thanks for the years of fun gifted to us all.