martedì 13 maggio 2014

Italia Simulazioni F1-2014: Albert Park

Prima gara già alle spalle, ma per fortuna in Lotus abbiamo raccolto ciò che potevamo. 

Rocco alla fine è riuscito a salire sul 3° gradino del podio, spiace per l'incidente di Mariano all'ultimo giro, ma le gare bisogna purtroppo portarle al termine, altrimenti qualsiasi prestazione superlativa resta fine a se stessa. La difficoltà nel tenere in pista queste vetture è davvero elevata, combinata con la necessità di restare concentratissimi per circa 42 giri risulta un cocktail micidiale che costringe quasi a misurare il respiro: basta

domenica 11 maggio 2014

Assetto Corsa - Update 0.9 (and alpha multiplayer)

Working Features:
- Booking system
- Pre-booked clients from server admins
- Password protected server for booking
- Password saving for different servers
- Multi class races
- Race weekend (practice, qualifying, race) with configurable duration and number of laps
- Select penalty system or not.
- Track cycling
- Loop mode
- Maximum client limit, determined by circuit pit boxes
- Clients may re-join at any session if booked.
- Dedicated server available.
- 10 public official servers

Known Issues - Please check and report unknown issues at our official support forums
- Official server are set to 15 clients and we will gradually increase the clients number with testing. Dedicated server is not limited.
- Wheels remain always connected on the ground, even if cars flies, jumps of flips
- Steering wheels angles might be exaggerated, or inverted
- Extended characters in player names, are not supported yet
- Graphical active aero animations do not work on multiplayer clients yet
- Opponents skidmarks are not visible yet
- Opponents windshield are not visible in player’s mirrors yet
- Opponents suspension movements are vertical, wheels might compenetrate cars body on some occasions
- "Multiplayer options” option from the menu does not work yet (containing voting for skip session, restart servers, kick users, chats etc)
- Switching between sessions dirt on the car doesn’t disappear
- Race session ends some seconds after the leader finishes the race
